Minute Man Sportsman's Club Is One Of The Finest Privately Owned Shotgun Only Facilities On The East Coast

  • 781-272-7169
  • Wed - Fri 10:00 am - Dusk
  • Sat & Sun 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Holidays see About tab

ALERTS: None at this time!


  1. Loaded long-guns are not allowed on Club property except on the firing line or at the patterning board. No closed actions are allowed except on the firing line, at patterning board or when in gun racks.
  2. Only legal firearms in the possession of properly licensed people are allowed on Club property.
  3. Proper eye and ear protection shall be worn on the fields when anyone is shooting.
  4. Shot size larger than 7½ or shells with a dram equivalent greater than 3¼ are not to be used on Club property.
  5. All ammunition used on Club grounds is to be made available for inspection upon request by an officer or director. The use of any ammunition not conforming to Club rules or deemed to be a safety hazard must be discontinued immediately.
  6. No unauthorized members or personnel are allowed in trap or skeet houses at any time. Authorized members shall include officers, directors or their designees and skeet, trap and sporting clays committee members.
  7. Shooters and authorized individuals only are allowed on the firing line. All others shall remain behind the firing line or as posted.
  8. All shooting shall stop immediately when adjacent trap houses are being serviced. Adjacent fields shall be notified when houses are serviced.
  9. All firearms are to be unloaded and opened or racked during the repair and servicing of trap houses.
  10. Any firearm which malfunctions must be unloaded on the firing line and serviced prior to being returned to use.
  11. Any dud shell shall be kept in the possession of the member or their guest(s) and shall be disposed of properly. Duds shall not be left on the ground or thrown in the waste receptacles.
  12. All ATA and NSSA rules relating to safety issues shall be observed, particularly those pertaining to squadding for handicap shooting. A 3 yard maximum differential shall be enforced; 2 yards for adjacent stations.
  13. The maximum speed limit for any motor vehicle on Club property or roadway is fifteen miles per hour. Motor vehicle usage is to be kept to a minimum to avoid disrupting shooters.

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